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Friday, February 17, 2006

Ivo's citizenship card

Ivo and Cuy Feb 06
Ivo is now in possession of the official document that legally proves he's Canadian. It looks like an old-style driver's license - easy to forge - no fancy schmancy watermarks, holograms or metalic/magnetic strips...Also - his picture is from when he was 2 months old and his height is listed as 55cm!
He's around 75cm by now.

I'll post a pic of the card this weekend.

Our first week back to school has ended. All 3 of us weathered it well. Only Ivo suffered a vomit-y day... well, we all kinda felt his pain... He's fine now. He's excellent.

Our walls were re-repaired+
+ (plus signs courtesy Ivo) So far they look6 3gre6at (numbers courtesy Ivo).
We're gonna move bedroom back and make an Ivo bed adjoined to ours -- we all need a little more room!

I have a song in my head that's about not waiting in line and uses all kinds of words that can be prefixed that there's double meaning of everything.

My class is going fine though I'm not excited about it and it's way not fun. Perfunctory. I'm looking forward to next semester! And a class where more than summarizing and defining...

Ivo wants to go watch tv - night night:)


Anonymous said...

NBGRAM just showed me your Blogspot. It will be a joy to follow along with you, Ryan & Ivo until you get a chance to visit us again at Broken Pine on Grand Lake. Uncle Lorne

honeybees said...

Thanks so much for the cool Roots cap and shirt! Pictures coming:)