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Friday, July 20, 2007

Ivo is Buzz Lightyear

Burl is "da pig." Ivo greeted Ryan this morning; "Good morning, Zurg." I was Woody. Ivo reassigns Woody to Ryan when he figures he's gonna be playing with Ryan more than with me. Then, I'm Zurg.
Cuz of the discombobulation, Ivo had ready access to the vacuum. He wielded it like a laser launcher saying, "I space ranger! I Buzz Lightyear! I have fire! Pew...Pew..."

I asked Ivo if he was in space. He said, "No, I out of space." Evidently out of is how Ivo understands outer. So there's space and out of space. And just like in/out, they're mutually exclusive.
Ivo has been talking a lot about "when I bigger..." He's been carrying a book, notebook or marker around saying, "Bye, I going a school."

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