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Monday, August 20, 2007


Burl LOVES Ivo. He smiles and laughs and hangs on Ivo's every word. Ivo LIKES Burl. He seems to be conducting some baby-stress-tests.

I've got lots to chronicle but my brain won't work w/o my notebook... and that's upstairs, Burl's nursing so I can't add pics from yesterday. Anyway all that soon - including a tiny movie made of still pictures - all of Burl SITTING BY HIMSELF - taken 19-20 August. Burl now sits with a 95% no-tip rate!
Ivo says "together" and "all together" a lot now. "We wake up all together!" "Allbody in da car together!" It's sweet. His song-du-jour is "ring around the rosie," the obvious attraction being the "all fall down" part.

1 comment:

ethanzahler said...

Yay! Burl can sit up. How exciting!!! Ivo gets cuter and smarter everyday. Look forward to seeing them both grow!
