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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Burl Can Do Anything Ivo Does

Burl can try anyway...

Burl copies everything he sees Ivo do, even when he doesn't know what he's doing.

  • Ivo chooses which show he wants by touching the tv screen and saying "Dis one" - Burl touches the screen too and says, "Da!"

  • Ivo announces the impending arrival of the garbage truck or recycling truck by saying "Garbage truck coming!" or "I heard garbage truck!" - Burl points to the front of the house and says, "Da!"

  • Ivo dresses standing up, putting one leg into his pants at a time while balancing on the other leg. Burl is trying to do this too.

  • After bath last night, Ivo was postponing getting dressed, running around playing, ignoring my request to come over and get your underwear on... Burl came over, lifted up his leg to don Ivo's Buzz Ltyr underpants. He wore them all night and was very very pleased.

  • Since shedding his diaper, Ivo has a newfound interest in and appreciation of his penis. Ivo's hand is often in his underwear and he has been heard to say, "I like my bum-bum and my penis." Though far from an expert - he has informed me that "I can see yr bum-bum and yr scrotum" - he is quite an enthusiast. (We are not gonna try to dissuade him - our efforts with fingernails were disasterous) In imitation, Burl walks around with his hand down his diaper!

  • Ivo runs back and forth from the bookshelf to the couch, narrating some rocket adventure or such. Burl does the run, yelling.

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