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Thursday, April 24, 2008

An Overdue Ivo Overheard

Ivo talks A LOT. Yay! and oh-my-g-d-exhausting! Some of the stuff he says, we have no idea where he got it... And not cuz of his language(s) - He rarely speaks Chinese with us, except to tell us the name of animals he likes or is channeling; crab, dinosaur. If I talk to Ivo in Chinese, he answers me in English. I've tried being sly and natural, but he only speaks Chinese to me in quotations marks. I know he speaks Chinese to people when I'm not around cuz they tell me stuff that they only could have learned from... Ivo. And sometimes I overhear him saying stuff to kids at the park. But, we've got a pretty closed system here, if he didn't get it from Ryan or me and it's English... it's gotta be tv, which is only videos...

Over the last couple days Ivo has used the word "trust" as in "You don't trust me!" He has also used the expression "give up" as today in the bath, he told Burl-clutching-a-toy Ivo wanted, "I'm not giving up, Burly!!!" Last night on our walk, Ivo went on and on about feeling "a little bit nervous." Huh? Ryan and I never talk about being nervous - anxious, anxiety, panic - sure, but not nervous. Does SpongeBob get nervous? We've got some of that and I watch it with Ivo but I confess to not paying super-close attention.

There are a couple things Ivo says that are HILARIOUS - but obviously, we have to ween him off of before moving into Grammie and Grampie's house this summer. I guess the most glaringly obvious faux pas is that whenever he hears someone pass gas, Ivo says, "What da hell was dat?" It's ridiculously funny... Also, (close your ears) Ivo says "Jesus!" when he, or the plastic animal he is speaking for is exasperated. I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THAT CAME FROM, wink wink. As Homer Simpson says, "I don't even believe in Jebus..."

The pics are mostly from yesterday and today. It got COLD!!! You've got to wear a long sleeve or a jacket - you don't need socks or a hat, but sheesh! windy, dry-ish (as opposed to oppressively humid) and cool - in the upper C teens. Right now it's about 19C - during the day it was as high as 29C but NOT sunny, not bad:) Hence the pajama pants... hence the clothes!

So, finally with the Ivo Overheard:

  • "My head look like a ball, I can bounce. Boing boing boing boing boing…"

  • Of cartoons and candy: "This is the LAST one. Yep… and that’s IT."

  • "You see my tongue?"
    "I have a wet tongue."
    Yes you do. Is my tongue wet? – "Yes." All tongues are wet.
    "Yes… because they are in our mouth-es."

  • "You're my sweetheart." "Yep - I'm a hunny-bunny!"

  • While handing me an imaginary egg: "I got an egg. " Should I eat it? "Yep. ’member, dere not a baby in dere – just yolk and…white."

  • On giving Burl a toy: "I give him dat, he can feel happy."

1 comment:

ethanzahler said...

You sooooooooooo need to publish a book on what Ivo says.

I was laughing so hard i almost "wet" myself. HAHAHAHAH. Still laughing.

Keep it going!