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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Burl & Ivo Videos from a Sick Day

Almost everyday Ivo asks me or tells me, "You love me so much?"


"You and Papa love me like cwazy?"

That's right.

These vids are from yesterday.

Ivo and Burl had been launching balls from these plastic lacrosse nets. Burl upped the ante with a wooden block. In the vid, I ask Burl if he's having a good time. He responds with a long nod - typical Burl fashion. Seems like VIDEOS AREN'T EMBEDDING AGAIN!!!! BOO HOO!

Click here for Burl Lacrosse.

Ivo likes KISS. Who doesn't? He can often be overheard singing "call me dr loooove, call me dr looove.." This is his reaction to seeing a video version. The video's a little long - most of the fun stuff occurs in the first 60 seconds. You can see Ivo's a little puffy, a little sicky.
Click here for Ivo Dr Love.

Burl enjoying a spin with Papa and then Ivo. When I was little, my fam had chairs from Taiwan very similar to these and we used to spin each other around and around, like cwazy. As this vid is beginning, Ivo says, "Ow! I hurt my own arm!"

Click here for Burly spinning.

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