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Sunday, May 04, 2008

Burl & Ivo Weekend

These pics are from the science museum on Sunday with Ryan. The pics of Ivo and the T-Rex feature Ivo brandishing his claws and roaring. He has been even more intersted in dinosaurs recently. Ivo is into skeletons and muscles, asking about all animals. He knows ribs, spine, hips, shoulder blades, skull, jaw and tail. He knows that worms, jellyfish and octopi don't have skeletons but that many octopi have sharp beaks. He asked if trees have skeletons. He talks about bones a lot.

first weekend of May found Ivo & Burl at the doctor, the park, co$tco, the science museum and a rock show!

New rides outside the dr's office!
We're home late from a great .22 show at the new Mojo Coffee. We are partially asleep.

Burl says: car, hot, mama, bye with wave

Burl answers questions with a nod, shake or point. Did you poop? - nod. Do you need a new diaper? - shake.

Burl asks "what is that?" questions by pointing at something accompanied by a rising "da?"

Burl asks "where is someone/thing?" questions by shrugging his shoulders, bending his elbows and lifting his palms upward, "de?"

Burl follows directions like "Go get the dinosaur and bring it to me," "give that to Papa," "Put that on the table."

Burl jokes around by pretending to obey "come over here (to change clothes)" by approaching and pulling a 360 at the last second.

Burl likes to eat rice and noodles. He likes to drink banana smoothies, mango smoothies and water.

Burl has started to make animal sounds like roaring as well as throat-clearing, staticky sounds which he thinks are roars. He can give rasberries.

He loves seeing animals, playing ball, dancing, bubbles, running, coloring with markers (and anything else Ivo does), "driving," peek-a-boo hiding behind a door, blanket or his hands and wrestling with Ivo.

Burl is (and has been) getting all 4 molars for about a month. They are all partially in - the side edges are through but the big bad blunt middle hasn't made it yet.

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