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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ivo & Burl BBQ at the MacLeods

Yesterday late afternoon we went to Rayne and Kevin’s for an impromptu bbq. It was a beautiful sunny and not-too-hot day right up until we were in the car on our way to Chang Hua. It turned windy, gray and cloudy with occasional drizzle. But still, what a fun time we had. As evidence of how sunny it was, Ryan got a nice farmer’s sunburn at a school event earlier in the day.

Burl and Ivo played in a sandbox and they loved it! Even though they had to take rain breaks and were freezing. Ivo plans to ask Grampie Doug to make him a sandbox!

To our surprise, Ivo has never eaten bbq - and he was horrified by how the hotdogs looked. He called them "dirty" and could not be persuaded to have so much as a bite - until Olivia joined him and finished her hotdog. They were so funny sitting around over their plates talking seriously about stuff.

This week, Burl has started to play catch! So cute. He's getting really good at aiming his throw. He says ba(ll), do(g) - for dog, cat, cow, dinosaur. He says "Do" for Dora and Boots.

Burl likes lots of food including, pasta, lentils and staring to like yogurt. He does not like grape, no matter how much they look like balls.

We had a super fun time - even getting to play a couple games of real-life scrabble - as opposed to the scrabulous many of us have been playing on fcbook - which is soo fun, but frankly, not as good as the real thing.
More pics next post.

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