Lilypie 2nd Birthday PicLilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 4th Birthday PicLilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Friday, October 10, 2008


It's been a busy week - lots happening, lots of interesting and awesome things coming out of Ivo and Burl's psyches. Alas, without pictures to accompany... my enthusiasm was muted. Also, I was sick a couple days in there.

So, last Saturday night Ryan and I went into Fredericton for dinner and a party hosted by Lindsay and Geoff, who both lived in Taichung for 6 years. Geoff is in the same program at STU as Ryan. While we were in town we stopped at Future Shop and looked at the cameras. Today - 6 days later - we returned and bought a Canon S5 IS... YAY!!! And so far AWESOME!!!

I've read the whole short book of instructions, installed the software and loaded up the picsI took today. The camera can do A LOT - most of which I haven't had a chance to explore... can't wait!!! YAY!!!

Today Ryan and I also went to Value Village and did some SHOPPING - we got a teletubbies costume for Burl and a fleece vest for Ivo, several blazer/work-suitable jackets and a couple of ties for Ryan, and a wool cape for me. YAYAYAYAYAY!!! Wool:)

Here are a few pics from our moving car...

A few pics from Connell Park...

A little Ivo Overheard:
  • When Ivo was mad mad mad at me he sang, “Just a bad mom
    Bad bad bad bad bad mom
    …I didn’t like dat”

  • “When I grow up to be a man – what will papa be?
    ...I don’t want you to be a grammie when I grow up.”

  • “My dreams come true.”

  • “Why there are no wires on this road?” (on a really rural road b/w Waterville and Florenceville – Ivo noticed that there were no telephone poles and wires)

  • When Ivo's exasperated or his quest frustrated, he growl-sighs "Rrrrhhh!" - I'm gonna try to get it on video - it's hilarious:)

Burly BabelOn:

  • Eggs, toast, numnum = booby
  • He still says “Tub-tub” for teletubbies and does a version of each’s name, the most transcribable being; LaLa and Do=Po.

  • When Burl notices there isn’t any (left) he points and says, “no, no, no, no”

  • When Burl wants a toy or a turn or doesn’t want something snatched away, he says, “I, I, I, I…”

1 comment:

Heath said...

Pics look great!!! I like the ultimate tubby fan accessory!