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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Coveralls and Ratzinger

Ryan proctored exams this morning so he had the afternoon off. After a little rest, we headed downtown to buy some coveralls, aka a spacesuit, for Ryan. Success!

Pics of Ivo and Burl watching Elmo's Opposites on the computer.

Pics of happy Ivo and Burl in the car.

And: downtown after a fire.

Yesterday at work, Bob and Jerry told me that the Vatican has updated, added or replaced the 7 Deady Sins. This is amazing to me. I've been doing very cursory googling and/but most of what I found is kinda jokey...
  • Recycle or go to Hell, warns Vatican from the Telegraph
  • Wrath, Lust, and Littering? The New Seven Deadly Sins
    Vatican Official Says Old Sins Don't Cut it in the Modern World
    from ABC News

  • Countless jokes about littering and/or failure to recycle one plastic bottle. That's not so funny to me since it detracts from the real and irreversible environmental degradation perpetrated by corporations and private business. It also distracts us average upper- middle-lower-class-types from the host of significant lifestyle choices we can make which would be better for the earth...
Har, har har! All the hilarity in mainstream media has certainly taken the wind outta my sails, cuz I wanted to be all jokey. But, seriously, what/how...? What's going on? Maybe a 21st century Dante can write a new Divine Comedy, set on Lamma Island where Hong Kongers have fled to wait out the new plague, the new mystery-flu that's killing and causing school closures... According to Catholic doctrine, you go to hell if you die without having been absolved of even 1 mortal sin through the sacrament of reconciliation/penance/confession - whatever it's called now. Hell.
Here they are according to Bloomberg:
The seven additional newly minted social sins are:
1. 'Bioethical' violations such as birth control (I've also seen this include abortion and artificial fertility treatments)
2. 'Morally dubious'' experiments such as stem cell research
3. Drug abuse (I've read elsewhere, "taking or dealing")
4. Polluting the environment
5. Contributing to widening divide between rich and poor
6. Excessive wealth
7. Creating poverty

I've also read pedophilia is now a mortal sin - FINALLY... but where does it fit in? Wikipedia conflates the above #'s 5-7 to just 2 entries with #7 as "Violation of fundamental tights of human nature."

These are the new mortal sins according to the BBC:

  • Environmental pollution

  • Genetic manipulation

  • Accumulating excessive wealth

  • Inflicting poverty

  • Drug trafficking and consumption

  • Morally debatable experiments

  • Violation of fundamental rights of human nature

Kinda vague and it sure doesn't seem like the Church is trying to be clear.

The original deadly sins:
1. Pride
2. Envy
3. Gluttony
4. Lust
5. Anger
6. Greed
7. Sloth

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