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Friday, March 14, 2008

Ivo on the Potty Train

On March 4th, I posited my hope that we'd be over the potty training hump by the ides of March and we so are!

YAY IVO!!! He only had 1 accident this whole week. He's still wearing a diaper overnight, but he no longer saves up for it and he's eager to take it off in the morning to use the toilet.

Ivo can use squatter and western-style public toilets. He can use public toilets!!!!!

Ivo's awesome!

These pics are from last Saturday (March 8th) at the ball game. I asked Ivo to stand near the garbage can cuz of the name "Schaefer" stamped on it. It's not quite quite the same spelling we use but, according to a phrase ingrained in my head like a family motto, "It's close enough for government work." So perfect!

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