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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Home Sick

Burl plays catch, blows hilariously exaggerated kisses, gives some real kisses and knows what he wants. He loves balls, dogs, teletubbies, dancing, going for walks, and using the computer mouse. He really really loves Ivo. He says "Dye" for bye.

Ivo was sick today. Dr said he shouldn't go to school, so the boysand I stayed home. Ivo's mostly ok, if the dr hadn't said stay home, we would've gone and probably would've been ok.

We played, rested and ate. Sadly both Burl & Ivo slept thru our fish and veg noodle dinner. Ivo's still sleeping at 8:20pm. He's probably out fr the night. Burl probably has another 30 minutes in him. He's playing with Ryan right now.

Ivo spent most of the day as a superhero, either Superman or Batman - in each case calling me Lois Lane.

While drawing with his markers, Ivo poked Burl with the back end of the marker he was using. I told him not to poke people with markers. It happened a few more times, me telling him that the marker was gonna be timed-out. Finally, an exasperated Ivo told me, "I twying a erase him!" What?

Burl had his very first time out today. He sat for 30 seconds on the stairs. I can't figure out how to get him not to pull Ivo's hair. Everything I do/have done just makes Burl laugh. And I can't control Ivo's often over the top responses, I try to play it cool and just say NO! But it seems to make Burl's fat fists clench tighter...

You shoulda seen Ivo's face when he realized Burl was timing out. Unprecedented sheer mischievous joy... He looked like there might really be justice in the world after all. Then Ivo proceeded to explain to me why Burly was timing out and how we can't pull people's hair.
It's a new day here.


ethanzahler said...

I have an idea, maybe just maybe, Burl has hair envy and that's why he pulls Ivo's gorgeous locks. i mean Hey, if I had hair like Ivo's I'd definately want some. LOL.

The fact that Ethan has a bit of curl at the back is why I haven't cut it in the hopes it will be like Ivo's!!

honeybees said...

that's an idea... In the past I've told Ivo that Burl likes his hair, just like everyone seems to... Ivo agreed but Burl is more than casual,he yanks, two-fisted...