Here's a joke I cribbed from the blog of a fellow expat in Taichung - props!
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
it's a lot
Posted by
7:20 PM
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Posted by
11:57 PM
Sho's new digs
Sho ivited us to her new place for lunch yesterday. It was yummy and her place is coming along fast and well! It kicks ass that she's a scant block away and that her-world-traveler-self signed a year lease! Ivo liked watching Xiao Ju and hugging Sho.
Then went to Mitsukoshi to enjoy the carpeting and ac of the 12/13th floor movie theatre area. Ivo got to flirt with a lot of ladies - and the entire concessions staff too. The most fun was playing a game that he sort of e-ducated out of me: he stood holding the low soft sectional couch that runs the span of the wall. He teased and waited til I came close to him then he'd shriek and RUN away - super fast - arm-over-arm just skimming the couch. I started to drum on the couch and say, "i'm gonna get you" and he'd be off like a flash. We've already made up a song called "I'm gonna get you!" - so now we have a game too!
Posted by
10:58 PM
Friday, September 23, 2005
dirt eater
Not until I changed ivo’s 1st and 2nd poopy diapers of the morning – the boy’s regular! – did I realize how much dirt he ate yesterday in the garden. No small amount – and as we’re city dwellers – that there was store-bought dirt! Bon apetite!
Tomorrow marks 9 months in the Ivo-nation! Yippee! Maybe we'll have mudcakes!
Dale took a couple pictures at the pool on Tuesday - all part of a healthy diet.
Posted by
12:13 AM
Thursday, September 22, 2005
It doesn't look like they can even stand up on their own
Yesterday was my birthday and a satisfying one it was! We listened to BBC while gardening; affording us the opportunity to hear more about the creepy live(s) of conjoined twins. Taking the prize for stoopidest modus vivendi is their earnestly avowed dedication to "run their own lives" - as individuals who don't share skeletal bone, tissue and blood - might do. While one of the twins is a country music singing star the other is a just-folks regular fan who has to pay admission to the concerts like anyone else! Aw shucks! No guest list? There are pictures and a transcript. You can hear the woman sing - not good. I'm sure however that as they don't allow themselves slack for their differences - they wouldn't cotton to the rest of the world pardoning them just cuz...
I ran into an article called "To Have and Have Not" all about the record smashing teen pregnancy rates in Canton, Ohio; 13% compared to 8% nationally. The article seems to suggest that it may have something to do with the abstinance-in-lieu-of sex-ed policies they've got going there! Tremendous! The Stark County school district receives much of its financial support from and therefore sets its moral compass to the Timkin family, "industrialists made rich by the manufacture of machine-lubricating ball bearings. William R. Timken, Jr. delivered such a large swath of Ohio (and hundreds of thousands of dollars) to the Bush campaign that many in the community have said the Timkens were a -- if not the -- deciding force in the outcome of the 2004 election. President Bush made Mr. Timken the ambassador to Germany shortly thereafter." So, not a single child is being left behind in that neck of the woods. Nice work! If I hadn't given stoopidest mv out to the twins - the town of Canton could wear that ribbon. Alas.
Posted by
10:53 PM
firstpost fifthblog
a long time ago before i had a computer, before everyone had a computer and while i still lived in the US, I used to be able to sign up for and onto anything/where i wanted using my preferred handle. I could even use my first name. Times have changed. I've established blogs all over cyberspace under the name "honeybees." I've learned a lot about setting up blogs; I've especially learned that most of them charge money for the priviledge of posting photos. So I'm back at blogger. I may already have an account with these fine people... but I can't remember it if I do.
Today Ivo and I did gardening all morning. He loves to play in and eat dirt. We cleaned the patio area, met the garbage and recycling trucks and then met Sho over at her new house. Just a block away! We all got lunch together at the veggie place. Ivo had a little broth and white rice. There's a typhoon a little south of Taiwan so it's overcast and gray. Still quite humid though and since it's my birthday, we're enjoying the downstairs ac!
Posted by
6:28 PM