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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

winter here?

ivo is nursing. we're listening to - the brian leher show from veterans' day. we skipped the veteran/soldier poetry... we've moved on to the story about people leaving nyc - it's based on an article in nytimes about people leaving CA for kansas city... taking paycuts but improving quality of life... a disabled vet called in to say that both he and his wife both have good jobs and can't afford to buy a house/apt even w the gi loan - it caps out at 300,000 US$... you can't buy anything in nyc for that - you might be able to get a studio for that - w a 600/month maintenance fee... and the sadness of never being able to buy a home where your family is...

it's crazy... but they're referring to ny-ers who move to places like philadelphia, allentown, albany, charlotte... as expats! i love it - the idea of a nyc hipster diaspora - of which i would count myself - of course! a ny-er who moved out of hell's kitchen to pittsburgh called in and said that maybe nyers should move out and improve these hinterland locals...

getting squeezed outa nyc - rents/property costs excrutiating - years ago I heard the statistic that 1/6 people in the US have lived or have family in Brooklyn - pretty awesome...and the whole idea of community - artistic, intellectual, spiritual, political ... writers, students, artists, musicians living among eachother - spawning and supporting bookshops, theaters, galleries etc and how pregnant and exciting that sort of place can be...but how all the old hip/sexy spots are way too expensive for true punk art... how authentic could it be? and that outside the village- east or west, even outside williamsburg, outside the cools spots in paris, london, berlin, sanfrancisco... to places people can afford but don't think of as cool stimulating breading grounds for the creative mind; like cleveland... places poor people can afford to live a life where they have space and 5 hot minutes to BE creative... Taichung is like that... all the bands that came outa Moncton/Halifax... but you have to be able to find a job

garbage truck is coming

Ivo's asleep on the couch next to me - which is why there is now punctuation and capitalization happening.

but the real reason that i'm listening to this show is the update on the trial in dover, PA on "intelligent design" being taught in the pubic schools - still working on becoming a science missionary. my friend bob said there should be a book a la the whole books for idiots craze like physics for dummies, philosophy for dummies called "dummies for scientists" - i like the idea - a handbook for rational thinkers with tips on how to relate to those who eschew logic.

ok ivo's up!

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