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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

still raining in taiwan!

It's getting ridiculous - it is already... The street outside our house is green with algae or mold or whatever grows on wet streets...

Ivo's sleeping and i've got to wake him in about ten minutes so we can go to my class at the gym...

He's started to say "no no no no no" in a calm way - but full of will. If i try to help him with the computer mouse on the teletubbies site - "no no no no no" If I try to take away the cleaner he's just unpacked from the gracery bag...

He also throws stuff with deadly aim and force... He threw a travel clock at my elbow yesterday - it broke the skin and still hurts! I don't know how to make him stop - it's too fun. Yesterday I just screamed because it hurt so bad. That scared him. I've started to just say 'ow' or 'owie' - he can say these and knows what it means - so maybe that'll get to him... I hope.

The pics are from sunday brunch - june 11th - at fM. Ivo is playing w Adriaan.

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