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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Ivo's early day

We had a big day yesterday - so big that Ivo fell asleep around 8pm. Ivo believes in Benjamin Franklin's "early to bed, early to rise" yada yada... cuz he was up at 4am. He was bright and happy and no way gonna go back to sleep. After an hour, he and I came downstairs to eat and play. We made coffee and oatmeal for Papa and us. Then we went back up to bed about 8-9.

We came back downstairs at 10, planning to go to the science museum - but Ivo didn't want to get dressed, change his diaper or, ultimately, go. So we played "at the home" until 12:30 when we went to Starbucks to meet Mary and Karin. We all played at the park til 3:30 and then did a little errand-running on the way home.

It was a beautiful - and WARM - day. Ivo slept again from 4-4:30 when he heard Kaya-Baba's voice.

Ivo's now sitting by me, eating his rice, peas and eggs - all by himself. It's so cool. He's never really seen himself on the webcam... But I think he gets what's going on now!

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