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Monday, February 12, 2007

Burl is happy right where he is...

And it's Grampie Doug's birthday! A proven good day to be born... But it's just about 9:30 am and nothing new seems to be churning in the belly... I'm thinking there'll be hints long before Burl arrives.

So Valentine's Day also seems like a good day to be born. Easy to remember... might even garner a guy extra kisses...

(Ivo was born exactly 1 week early at 7:02am on Friday 24 Dec - and easy date to remember. I knew something was going on from 8am the 23rd. We didn't go to the clinic until 4am on the 24th. I hear/read that 2nd babies are often faster to make the scene... but I'm thinking we might have a 10-12 hour heads-up.)

Yesterday I didn't get dressed or leave the house. It was awesome. I packed my hospital bag and napped. Ivo went out with Grammie and Papa. The house gets better looking everyday. Gail made us a big pot of veggie chili - YUM!

In case Burl's waiting for his stuff to be in order - it's ready! He and I are going to be sharing a closet and drawers:)

Ryan got me an mp3/voice recorder which I got working yesterday too!

Ryan and are have almost finished watching LOST season 2 - it's addictive!

Ivo's started playing a new game called Papa booby. Last night he watched a little tv with Grammie in her room. He chose bits of his favorite DVDs; Garfield and the Iron Giant... I should have only given him one DVD but I moved a few into Grammie's room and Ivo couldn't choose - or rather, couldn't stick to a decision. He also couldn't pick a room to stay in - he was happily back and forth between our room and grammie's for about an hour, never having known a world with 2 tvs or cozy options!
The angry apple juice picture is from this morning. It is the face one makes right before announcing "NO PICTURE!"


Anonymous said...

Sandy! I'll be thinking of you in the next few days!!! Looking forward to photos of Burl!
Love to read your blog and be updated on your day-to-day events.

Love, Brigitte

honeybees said...

Yay! Brigitte!!!!!!!