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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

T -1 til Burl is due

Yesterday we went (ALL of us) to the hospital to see Dr Fu. Last week (15th - Thurs) he had said to come in on Tues or Thurs... I wanted to go earlier than later.

Super good news! Burl isn't engaged anymore - he's "floating." I don't know why or how. Maybe I'm drinking so much that there's extra amniotic fluid and he got unstuck... Maybe it's the squatting, the walking, the worry, the attempted relaxation, the naps?... Probably Burl is a genius...

Also, Burl weighs b/w 3600-3700g. I'm not dilated and have no contractions.

I don't care - Burl can wait as long as he wants - I know he's reasonable so it won't be too long...

Ryan's supposed to start work on 2/26 but he can take time off - even if his Catholic-love-the-lord-cheap-as(s)-cheating school, where he's worked for 4 years, won't give him the legal paid paternity leave - he can still take time off. It's not a chain gang! They're not gonna fire him.

So, yesterday Ivo Karin and I went to the park (pics). In the evening, Ryan and I went to dinner by ourselves for the first time since Ivo was born (pic). The first out of the house meal we've had where we got to sit and talk and think and follow-through... Very fun! Thank you Grammie!

Note how good Gail is at not being photographed!
I need to hurry cuz Ivo's a nutcase... Here are some things he can say as of this past week

  • Andrew - Papa de didi
  • Dash sad
  • hey man!
  • suckazz!
  • fight the papa
  • no wash car
  • ______funny (nodding and hand over mouth)
  • No funny (things he doesn't get)

1 comment:

Heath said...

Little Burl is obviously already considerate to his mum and who knows maybe punctual too...can't wait to meet him.