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Friday, May 04, 2007

Ivo says


Awesome, no? Genius! 21st century kid! Ivo grabbed his umbrella, said he's going to buy apples at the bank and he'll e right back. !!

Among Ivo's 1st words was a version of "roar" which meant/means "dinosaur." Months ago, this was updated to "dinosaur-roar" with "roar" sounding like "row" - as in a fight. Ivo knows a lot of names of dinosaurs - he can identify them when we say them and tries to repeat. He knows/says a version of trex, stegasaurus and brachiosaurus. He probounces the final -us sound, "roar." Now he applies this "roar" whenever a polysyllabic word has a final -us sound. "Danger-roar."

This past week, Ivo, Burl and I have been going to the gym. Mostly with Heather and Dylan and a couple times by ourselves. We went this evening instead of the park cuz of rain. Ivo had the greatest time. That kind of rosy-cheeked, out-of-breath, kid-happy. He followed one fun gege around, then told me, "That gege Ivo...mmm, friend!" Afterwards whenever he was taking a breather from his own mayhem, while standing still, he pointed to his chest saying "friend." Then he took off in a mad dash!

Burl getting sooo big!

More pics asap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful -- Burl looks to be catching up to Ivo. So glad to see you're getting out to the gym. Ivo's expressive language is really expanding -terrific! Grammie Gail