- size "00" guy with greasy chin-length hair, tan pants and black t-shirt that read "I grow medical marijuana" with a leaf
- at the park tonight, a 4-year old boy -under charge of wasted, beer-bellied, drippy 'nut-chewing a-gong - who spat half his water bottle out on our stroller. Prior to this offense, Ivo had been running with the kid and kid wouldn't keep his hands off Ivo. Just weird. Touching like Ivo's not human, totally ignoring Ivo's "bu yao," listening to me a little. I guess I should have known the kid was crazy from his behavior even before he spat on the stroller. I yelled at the kid (whom I'd already been correcting AND helping play since he couldn't climb or jump like Ivo) then I yelled at the grandpa. Grandpa tried to get the kid to say sorry - unsuccessful - as if it would have helped. Then they left but had a hard time getting their scooter started. Good idea to drive a scooter drunk with a kid. Creepy feeling from both of them like their household has no touching boundaries. These kinds of interactions happen and I don't sort it out quickly enough. I've got to tune in and ADVOCATE for Ivo. I have to lay off the cultural sensitivity and start being a big scary mama bear.
- Ivo at park refers to the part with hedges as "the jungle"
- This morning before Heather and Dylan came by, while I was in the garden organizing garbage, Ivo locked me out of the house! I had no key, no phone and Baby Burl was lying on the couch. Very calmly, I told Ivo to open the door and he did.
- Tricky afternoon with Ivo. While Heather and Dylan were getting ready to leave, Ivo started jumping at Burl's nursing head. I told him no/stop - which just fed the flames. I had to hold my hand out in front of him like a barricade. Ivo threw himself against my hand, momentum caused him to fall. He got up and back at it and started slapping me. It's like being attacked by ants - I had to stand up, for me and Burl. Still wouldn't stop so I put Burl down and put Ivo on the other side of the stair gate. He later characterized this as "Mama hit Ivo fall the floor." Do I need a lawyer?
- Lately it seems that poor Baby Burl can't sleep for more than 10 minutes at a time when Ivo-Dash is awake. Whether by chance or choice, Ivo's actions/sounds startle and annoy poor Burl. I joke that Burl's gonna have a nervous breakdown, develop eczema or pull out his hair. It's not really funny.
- Took Ivo and Burl to veggie restaurant - Ivo broke a statue and spat his food out... almost seemed like he was trying to embarrass me.
- Saw Karin on our way home - she was on her way to work, via our house with a Pixar picture calendar for Ivo. He loves it!
- Nap time. Fuggedaboudit! "Ivo-Dash no sleep. Awake!"
- After nap time, Ivo gave me a weird, too long kiss and then spent 10 minutes trying to wipe his mouth clean - as if it had been I who forced a kiss on him. Then Ivo said, "Mama Papa like kissin. Ivo-Dash no like kissin."
- Burl has 2 dimples - left side and right side. Sweet sweet smiler.
No new pics today so here's some vintage Ivo -Pictures from March 2005. Ivo and Papa at home (8 March) and Ivo's first baseball game (22 March). The winter Ivo was born is the last time I experienced non-a/c-induced cold. In these pics, Ivo's 2-1/2-3months old - sam
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