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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

We are getting ready to go to *bucks and then our long day at school.

We went to the big PO this morning and picked up a big box from Gramma Maureen - Yay! Pics soon, but we let Ivo open one present and Burl opened his drum set. The boys are thrilled - heaven. Ivo just said "I build a cool house!"

Our neighbors are all acting funny, we are wondering if there's been a death a couple doors down.

We are hoping to hang with D-man tomorrow - It will have been 4 weeks since we've seen them. And come on, Heather's belly???? Burl's teeth, crawling etc???? And all the new skills acquired by D-man and Ivo... First we were sick for 2 weeks, then D-man got pneumonia... Insane.

Here are some pics from Nate and Jessie's Halloween party. Ivo decided NOT to wear his bat costume - unexpected for a guy who wears costumes all the time. At the end of the night (for us, anyway) poor Ivo stepped on a tack. So owie! So horrifying!

Ryan was a guy named Leisure Suit Louis and I was Ryan. Make that Classic Ryan circa 1999. Burl was a bat for a few minutes and Ivo would have been a bat if he had worn his costume...
More about Halloween party soon.

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