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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Burl Catching up on Shots

Here we are walking to the Dr's office. Little did Burl know...

Burl weighs 9.5kg (50-75th percentile) and is 73cm (75th percentile).

Such a sweet, wonderful boy:) Burl had the good sense to HATE THE SHOT! The last one he got didn't bother him at all. This one made him MAD. We are late on shots cuz of having started school and getting colds (that I thought were bad enough) which then became our unhappy October of fevers and goo. On the days one of the boys wasn't sick, the immunizations slipped my mind completely or else made me nervous - so we just didn't go.
Finally everyone is HEALTHY and I've returned to not fearing vaccinations. I wasn't full-fledged anti-vaccinayions, just wary and overwrought with sick kids. My first chiropractor, back in Park Slope in 1991, told me her daughter developed asthma after receiving the polio vaccine and that one of the first parts of the body polio affects is the lungs. She believed that her daughter developed asthma because of the polio vaccine. It seemed plausible...
With all the vaccines out there, it makes sense that some little bodies would respond badly. Oh yea, I was sooo into alternative and wholistic medicine- I even worked here (where, after the lab tech walked out, they had me and my history degree RUNNING THE INHOUSE LAB! - I don't endorse them or their slimey biz practices, but it is a fact that through ozone and other therapies they turned a patient from HIV+ to serum negative...). But at the time - and for a long time after I wasn't terrifically concerned about childhood vaccines cuz I didn't have children. When Ryan and I were awaiting Ivo, we researched and talked with Gail and decided that since we chose to have kids overseas, we would follow the vaccination protocol of Taiwan, aware of how/what/when it differs from Canada and the US. Polio exists in Taiwan, there is no herd immunity here and counting on it at home seems iffy to me.

Our other sweet wonderful boy is undergoing some kinda adjustment-growing-pains-y period lately. So mean to Burl. So short-tempered. So whiney. So miserable, stubborn and inconsolable. Not all the time. But a lot.

Makes me wanna cry. Or go to Thailand!
Still, we had a good day. Pics of our lunch today at *bucks coming tomorrow... gotta red-eye:)

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