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Friday, November 02, 2007

New Parking Style Sweeping Taichung

No, no. There hasn't been an accident. The driver of the truck just wanted to express his individuality - gasp! - turning old parking customs right round.
Nothing says "bad boy" like haphazard parking. This kind of rebel parking is becoming so pervasive, it's kinda losing its rebel flavor.
This is Da Ye Road, in the south part of Taichung. In newer parts of town, the main drags are wide and parking is almost sufficient. I do not doubt the driver's ability to parallel park nor do I believe the space was too small for his truck. The thing is, those who live and drive in the urban subtropics are saddled with the albatross of finding real-life uses for the 4-wheel-drive-function that comes with today's fancy trucks. As such, off-roading onto the sidewalk is an imperative.
Incidentally, the white lines on the street outline parking boxes, places where it's legal to park. The white car towards the back wasn't parked in a box. If this were paid public parking, only the legally parked vehicles - the ones having some correlation to the boxes - would be charged. The illegal parker would be uncharged.

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