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Saturday, November 03, 2007

Story Time, Letter B

Ivo had a great time. Burl enjoyed himself just a little less. Jordan LOVES Burl and she is hilarious. Several kids from the park showed up - including the two little boys sitting closest to Ivo.

There are 2 girls in Ivo's life of whom he says - on his own, I had no idea he knew the difference - "she my girlfriend." One is Jordan and the other is Jialin, the girl in the red sweater sitting behind Ivo on her auntie's lap. He knows and loves other girls but none of them has merited "girlfriend" status.

At one point during the class, Ivo yelled out "What next, Patwick? - Oh, he not Patwick. I can't amember his name..."

So, the reason Parker is holding these classes is to test out the curriculum he and Ennis have designed. They are pitching it to the Taiwan government and for the privelege must pay 20,000nt to submit and if there's even the tiniest typo, they get rejected. So, good luck with that.

Speaking of the education system in Taiwan, here is something on the effect of undiagnosed learning delays among males in Taiwan. A very interesting statistic, not surprising but unexpected, if difficult to confirm - plus about 10 years old. You can go to the site, here's the gist,

about 2000 men die each year in the Taiwanese military forces. The cause of
death is accidents, suicide, and other casualties from careless mistakes,
mis-perceptions and mis-directions. The believe
(sic) is that many of those who die have unidentified learning disabilities and due to their poor perceptual and
processing functioning incur their untimely death.

1 comment:

John Naruwan said...

It's pretty shocking the number of suicides in Taiwan's army - an average of nearly one every day of the year (around 350).