Li'l B is 10 months old - I can't believe it!
Burl definitely experiences separation anxiety. He LOVES Ivo. He points. He's started to really like food. He has rhythm, he drums with his hands and every mealtime, he beats his spoon on his empty bowl. He holds my cell phone (or anything he can palm) to his ear and babbles!
Burl is sure footed and STRONG. He will be walking no-hands any day! Burl is getting 2 more top and 2 more bottom teeth. This past week, he has decided he wants to sleep on his belly. Burl likes reading books and he's very interes
ted in the toilet.
He's starting to understand the word "NO" - he shakes his head when we tell him no. Burl likes to throw things. He needs to knock things down.
Burl is wonderfully lovey and sweet. He is super funny. He scrunches his face up to make us laugh - he laughs easily. He loves to play peek-a-boo, hide and seek, so-big and pat-a-cake. We are so lucky he's with us!
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