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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ivo: Sideways Psychology

I can't exactly call it reverse psychology but something's going on. If Ryan or I suggest something, Ivo says no. It doesn't matter what. It's playing havoc on Ryan and my psyches. When Ivo's in a bad mood, he adds pouting. I guess sometimes he has to be unhappy. Boo hoo.

We all had a nice walk to the park. Both Ivo and Burl love looking at the canal.
Then at the park, for no reason we know, Ivo had a terrible time for the next hour. Burl had fun. He played ball, ran around, found a little girl to play with and ate dirt. Ivo pouted - and worse. On our dejected way out of the park we ran into Heather and her family. After Ivo saw/played with Dylan for a few minutes, he was lifted right out of his funk. Yay! We then played and frolicked happily for an hour! Yay!

On our walk home, Ivo explored a rare telephone booth. "Dis where Superman change his clothes." He liked the phone booth, but the doubtful confused look in his eyes made me think Superman has gone down a notch on Ivo's cool-meter.

Burl likes to run cars, trucks and plastic bugs around on the floor. I think he's copying Ivo - but he really likes it and does it on his own, like he knows those things are supposed to move around through the house. Very cute. Burl makes all sorts of silly and funny faces. He talks a lot but the only word we recognize for sure w/o tons of context is mama. Also Burl points with his 3rd finger!!!

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