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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Burl is Ready for his Closeup

Tell me this isn't sick!

Yesterday, while Ivo was sitting on the toilet, Burl was in his chair having a snack. I was taking pics of both guys cuz I'm so proud of them; Ivo toileting and Burl eating.

After a while, when Burl saw me with the camera, he started... posing...

Normal Burl:


Super Skinnerian Burl:

Initially I wondered if there were any way he could have come up with this himself? I figured he must have learned it at school so I asked his teacher via his communication book. The answer came back today. Yes, they have taught him to pose for pictures.
But HOW?????? Is it really that easy to get babies to do tricks? Really? And in light of potty training... I'm speechless.

Oh wait, I'm not speechless, I've been wanting to say Burl DANCES a lot! Any time he hears music or expects to hear music - very cute and not silly looking - he looks cool. Plus, Burl now absolutely says "Baba" for papa. Also when he hears the garbage truck, he tells me, "DA!"

1 comment:

ethanzahler said...

Oh my those poses of Burl are soooo cute!!!!Sorry to hear about the food poisoning experience. I'd admire your efforts with potty training. I figure after all that you've done, if i were in the same situation, Ethan will just have to stay in diapers for ever. hahah kidding, Sorry not helping. I'm secretly hoping that the nanny will help me out with that but knowing my luck, we'll be in England come potty training time.

By the way, thanks for the comment! The jeans I bought are loose on me!!! Yay! Good thing they were only 150nt.

When can we get together again?
