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Sunday, April 13, 2008

All's Well with Burl and Ivo

Today should be their last day of medicine. I hope, I hope, I hope. I hope the ear infections have cleared up. They both seem almost 100%... Neither ever seemed super-sick, certainly not sick enuf not to require walks, runs and outings. But Ivo developed a fever after a trip to the park Friday morning so I just got a sub (thank you Alison) and the boys and I stayed home.

We are all tired of taking/giving medicine. We are hoping that after the antibiotics, the equilibrium of our flora and fauna returns. Burl is on the cusp of candida - and he's not crazy about yogurt so I've been sneaking it into banana "juice." Ivo loves yogurt, yay!

Both guys have fallen on their heads/faces a bit more than usual this week. Last night Burl "get out of the kitchen" Blackwell dropped a glass on the floor which gashed his foot. We didn't take him for stitches... we hope that was right. It's healing pretty well.

Saturday morning Ryan and I took the boys to Carre4 to play (pics). We also bought a new DVD player cuz ours died sometimes this week... The boys spent a few days watching videos on my laptop. My precious, bedside laptop... We buy cheap (1000nt-ish) dvd players which each seems to last a year or so.


Burl has begun to LOVE books. For over a month he's been very into the little Teletubby board books. This past week, he's exploded into BIG picture books. His current favorite is My Big Animal Book. He loves hearing the names and sounds of animals with which he's familiar. Especially dog, cat and fish. Very exciting for Burl and for us! Ivo helps read books to Burl - fun. Definitely has that more-the-merrier feel.

Burl colored for real for the first time this evening after dinner. He's such a mimicker and he loves Ivo so much that he strives to do whatever Ivo does or is doing. Ivo has embraced coloring, water-color-painting, sticker-booker sticking and tracing in earnest.

Burl handily climbs up stairs and pretty decently gets himself down with a little help and a lot of oversight. Burl and Ivo have started playing together in full-on boy mode; Burl grabs Ivo's hair and yanks - it's not easy to untangle his fingers, they both push/pull, scream and echo each other. They love knock-down-roll-around play - especially with a blanket involved for intrigue - where is Ivo?

Ivo's appetite has been off-and-on this week. But luckily he'll usually eat cheerios with bananas and milk, blended bananas/ice/yogurt, apples, ramen with egg, Milo with milk. Tonight he had spaghetti with olive oil, garlic and parmesan with peas on the side. Burl's been hard to feed this week spending meals pinching tiny bits of food off the larger bit and dropping them to the floor, then pointing at them. Messy.

Friday morning on our walk, Ivo got a scooter/hua ban che - it's great. 3 wheels, handle, good size, price (399nt), spiderman... It's got it all. He's still not much of a bike rider - even tho he really seems to like bikes. And it can sometimes be difficult to convince him to work on skills that he isn't immediately excellent at like pedaling, rock-wall climbing and coloring/drawing. So it was super-gratifying/relieving to help him "try try again" and succeed. He happily told everyone he saw, "I got a scooter!" and kept asking me "You so pwoud a me, mom?" "Look, I doin' it! Kick, kick, kick and look at da road, not at da people..."

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