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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ivo Says

Tonight after work, a very very happy Ivo told me that he didn't eat his snack at school today and "Lao Shr was soooo angry a me, I didn't eat my noo (noodles)." I asked if she had been angry at anyone else, "No" or if anyone else had not eaten snack, "Yes." Later in the bath Ivo brought it up again, I asked him if he cried when Lao Shr was angry and he said, wait for it, "No. I was angry too."


YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can still be made to cry by someone looking at me cross-eyed. If a teacher or anyone in a position of power yelled at me 0r expressed disatisfaction or disgust with me - today - I'd still be weeping now at 9:15pm. I would give my right arm for my boys not o be as scared, shy, and sad as I was as a kid. I didn't get angry at a teacher until senior year in high school and that was the day my brothe's lung had collapsed, so I wasa bit out of sorts. Senora Pianca had also been having a bad day. She yelled at me and said belittling things about ungrateful people like me who were griping about the sudden appearance of 6 new verb tenses during the 2nd semester of the 4th year of our Spanish study...

Anyway, I'd prefer Ivo and Burl to be naughty with self-esteem strong enough to stick up for themselves as opposed to mealy and hiding their faces.

Now a little Ivo Overheard:

  • "My belly button is a volcano!"

  • (To me) "Um, you need a job." I need a job? "Yep." What could my job be? "Helping me."

  • "Is it Tuesday or Wednesday?" Tuesday. "Tuesday? school for me!"

  • (Talking in his sleep 5am Tuesday morning) "I don't wanna sleep!!!!"

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