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Monday, May 12, 2008

Ivo & Burl at Dinner Monday Night

Burl loves lentils. He has not once refused a mixed lentil dish.

And, drum roll please... Burl can use a spoon!!! Not even a baby spoon, a real regular tea spoon!!!

Burl can also use his hands.

It's the bowl he can't quite be trusted with, however. No pics, cuz we want to be asked to eat at decent people's homes.


Ivo has the fine motor ability to isolate anything remotely green from any one-dish dinner we have. It's quite a skill. Tonight at dinner, Ivo said he was a carrot "I have gween ha-ir and a owange body." Ryan claimed to be a MANgo but Ivo told him he was a banana. I wasn't anything exciting cuz I can't remember what I was assigned. When asked what Burl was, Ivo said, "I think he something gween... he a gween pepper."

Ivo does not cotton to green anythings, peppers least of all.

Later he said Burl might be a tomato - also not a fave...

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