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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Ivo's still a drumming maniac and

when he, his clothing or anything, really, gets wet he says "wawa". Sometimes, circumstances require him to say "jui(ce)". But these are the only 2 named fluids - water and juice. If it's not wawa, it's gotta be juice - even if it's do jiang.

Can't remember if I mentioned he now says; big, beep-beep, towel (for blanket and towel), noo-noo (for noodle), Dastch (for Dash of the Incredibles), Datsch-baby and Datsch-baba (for Jacj-Jack and Mr. Incredible), pa (when scared or startled), more (as an offer and a request), mom (shortened on his own - but usually mama), a-po (taiwanese for a woman older tha auntie), fall down and diao la, and a cuter than cute real vocalized xie xie (not just head nod/dien to)...

He loves singing and dancing.

More soon

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