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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I(vo) Dash

I'm gonna dispense with saying how busy we've been and remain...

Too much is going on to waste time with that stuff!

It's been ridiculously HOT - nice at night though. Today it's cool and rainy and people have been complaining to me about the change. Since I feel that Ryan and I may be to blame for the sudden change cuz we've been complaining like there's no tomorrow about the heat for the last month... I'm trying not to look too happy!

Over the last 2 weeks, Ivo has started saying so many more words! And he can use a spoon to feed himself really effectively. He tells us when he poops/pees and has taken a few stabs on the toilet...

He started calling Ryan and me, Daddy and Mommy... He sounds soooo cute when he says it! We think he picked it up from Dylan's family cuz he often hears Heather and Dylan greet Ciro by saying "Daddy's home!" and he knows that Ciro is Dylan's papa. So he put 2 and 2 together and voila! He now refers to Ryan as "Daddy- Papa- Baba and Ry" . "Ry" just started a couple days ago - that's a direct imitation of me. Super cute, cuz it sounds like "Wy". Hilarious.

Not quite sure where Mommy came from - but he listens to people, he's smart! He's also been calling me Mum for a month or 2 - just came up with it himself... Could he have shortened Mama cuz I shorten Ivo and Ryan sometimes?
Ivo calls himself I-o, didi, dog and, most often, Dash (from the Incredibles). He points to his chest and says "I Datsch" - and it's true he runs fast and he's got super powers and one of his names is Dashiell...

I'm gonna try to list the words that Ivo can say now... xiang jiao (banana), want that/wo yao, bu yao/no, wall, walk, want walk, chair sit, run, go, want go, baby, gege, didi, aiyi, susu, jie jie, mei mei, jump, kick, throw, elephant, owl, bear, beer, peas, water, rain, roar=dinosaur, dog/go go/puppy, cow, horse, pig, teeth, nose, ear, head, hair, eyes, hand... There are more I'll add asap.

He's becoming better able to communicate with strangers who approach him. He often just says, "bye-bye" and waves to them!

We've started to prepare Ivo's bday pressies and xmas pressies... So fun and still can be purchased right under his cute little nose! Soon we'll put up the xmas tree. He's been mesmorized and quite excited by seeing them around town!

1 comment:

Leonie said...

phew, so glad you posted. I was beginning to think you'd gone into labor or something!

Ivo sounds so cute with his words. I really like "I Dash" - Rob says he must be smart to have the concept of pseudonyms going on. Of course he's smart, I said. What did you expect??

lots of love to you all - hope the weather continues to be cooler.