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Thursday, January 25, 2007

How big is Burl?

Ivo on New Years Day

Burl is 2.7kg as of yesterday's appointment. Yesterday's appt marked 36 weeks. The doctor said that the computer estimates Burl as 38 weeks because of the length of his leg bones... But otherwise 36. By this time in Ivo's gestation, he had become 2-3 weeks "small for date" and there was some concern... I guess about developing pre-eclampsia, which didn't happen. However, cuz Ivo was small, we figured he might be late, but he arrived at exactly 39 weeks weighing 3.2 kg.

So if Burl follows suit, he's got 3 more weeks - which is just perfect because...

Our doctor told us yesterday that he's going to a little place called China and a sunny spot called South America on Saturday to participate in some medical mission... He won't be back until 12 Feb - at which point we'll be 38 weeks and 4 days. I'm not gonna freak out about this - but it sucks... We are starting our weekly appointments so I have to see Dr Wang (whom I've never met) and his staff for the next 2 appts... I know there are worse things in the world... but... there's enough uncertainty in pregnancy/labor that having one's doctor away to fix hairlips seems especially onerous...

When he told us though, I immediately responded that we'd wait for him. I hope I knew what I was talking about! I like 2/12, 2/13, 2/14 and especially 2/15 for birthdays... Works well with Ryan's New Year vacation and sounds nice - the "teens."
If Burl comes before 2/18, he'll be a dog, arriving on or after the 18 will make him a pig. Without getting too nit-picky, if he comes before 2/20, he'll be an aquarius. Arriving on or after 2/20 makes him a pisces. All of the above mixes (aquarius/dog, aquarius/pig, pisces/pig) are fine with us - as if we have a choice!
I must say I'm partial to Pisces given a long string of pisces friends and that my brother is a Pisces/ Pig and my sister a Pisces... I don't socialize with a whole lot of aquarians, but I'm sure they're good peops! I used to be scared of dogs, who tend to put approval-seeking and praise above initiative and invention, but I'm keeping Wade in mind as an excellent dog role-model rather than the majority hang-dogs I've met. It is a fact that I said to Ryan during our first year together, that we should avoid at all costs having a dog-baby. It is also a fact that I thought it was really important for Ivo to be a Sagittarius, and it has turned out not to be a big deal that he's not... I don't think I could like or love him any more...
I don't believe in astrology - I just enjoy it.
These pics are Ivo from Wednesday 24 Jan. Also - even though it looks like he wears the Bob the builder shirt everyday - it's not 100% true!

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