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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ivo: "No...Brother" and other adversities Gail's gonna help me with!!!

Well, it's possible that Ivo doesn't want to be a gege and all that that entails. Over the last week or two, he's been saying "No" whenever someone brings it up. Sure, baby in the belly - that's fine. Maybe baby is the belly... who knows? But as far as some usurper moving in - Ivo's started to articulate his opinion. A consistent big-fat-flat-out, NO. So I guess this whole experience will be one of those lessons in "a little too little, a little too late" for poor little-big-guy-Ivo-Super-Dash. Speak up, little sir!



"Anatole? No. Give your head a shake." - Ryan

I just can't wait til Gail gets here and straightens him out. He's way over the top with his snide comments and opinions.

We need a little help with the names... I thought Anatole would be nice if the baby comes at dawn... Ryan has limited his input to the yay/nay + ad hominem variety - so, yea. Help. Just wait til I tell Gail!

Yesterday Ivo and I went to Dylan's to play. Quite fun on a Saturday morning. Later, Karin and I went and got our hair washed. Then Ryan, Ivo and I went to the park, bookstore and dinner.
Ivo has begun to treat me like the paparazzi saying "No picture" whenever he sees the camera, inside/outside/at home/on the town... Friday night at the park, I took 1 picture. He told me "no picture" - I waited a few minutes, took another and he slapped the camera outta my hand...

I mean am I really so out of line? Is everything I want to do so upsetting, intrusive and unpopular? Doesn't Ivo's awesomeness justify/demand my taking pics of him? Shouldn't we name the baby? Is it so wrong to want the baby to be born - thereby bringing a brother into the house? ... Am I always gonna face such opposition from the boys?

Just wait til Gail gets here!

1 comment:

Leonie said...

welcome to the world of bossy two year olds. I even get told when I can and can't talk and to whom!! Oh boy! Hope Gail can sort them all out...