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Monday, February 26, 2007

Vacation is Over ( T+4days )

For Papa and most people in Taiwan, New Year Vacation has come to an end.

We'd been planning on trying to adjust Ivo's sleep schedule over the next week or two as well as get him on a more reliable schedule since he's 2 and he might appreciate a little more routine. So far, it's all working out perfectly! On Sunday, Ivo and Ryan slept til about 10:30 - and we didn't let Ivo nap at 7pm - like he wanted. He stayed up til 10:30ish, spending the last hour or so miserable... that indecisive, flighty, unpleasable kind of cranky. But he woke up happy this moring b/w 7:30 and 8am. We ate and did stuff and then got to watch the Oscars up in Grammie's room- taking play breaks throughout. Papa came home from work for a couple hours. Fun morning!

Ivo has a new set of Toy Story figures which he was happy to play with this morning. Later, he would run into Grammie's room yelling, "Dash back!" This is the 1st time he's used "back" in this way. Also, he knew Grammie had been listening for the garbage truck and he ran in screaming, "Grammie, Grammie, garbage truck coming!!!!" After all the excitement, he napped from 12-1pm, allowing us to cut all 20 of his little nails and finish watching the Oscars.

When he got up, Grammie, Ivo and I went to Papa's pizza and had sandwiches, salad and potato soup. Then we went and played at Sogo (pics) for a couple hours. He did his flying pose down the slide and while being pushed in his stroller. Very cute and funny! I showed him some fancy (expensive) bath toy stuff - but he was smart enough not even to act interested in it... C'est la vie!

We played in the park on our way back to the park, came home and I napped. We just finished dinner, Ivo's having some booby and getting sleepy - so we're gonna start to move upstairs.

More Ivo speak: he's been saying stuff is broken (often in mock panic) and also that stuff is fixed. Also, if he's not hearing what he wants from one person, he'll shout someone else's name, beseeching them to help him. He just ran outta here shouting, "Gail, Gail..." He still plays his "Oh no! Raining!" game - and is very animated and dramatic about it.

1 comment:

billy bOb blOOdwOrth said...

congratulations! what a beautiful baby. i'm checking the blog at work and one of my students said Teacher Sandy is very "li hai" (awesome) because she had 2 boys.

not a great moment for women's lib, but i think you're totally "li hai" for having babies at all!