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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Burl Crawls

We've got to post some video. Burl crawls effectively but with a little "limp." His arms and left leg are positioned in standard crawling posture, however Burl keeps his right foot flat on the floor - so his crawl is a half-walk.

Burl can pretty much go anywhere he wants. Usually, he wants to go wherever we are. But this morning, for the first time, he wanted to go into the bathroom all by himself. To be fair, who doesn't wanna play in the bathroom?

When Burl sees Ryan, he puts down whatever he's playing with, does a couple of bum-jumps and heads over to bao bao Papa.

Burl says: la la la, da da da, ah-da, ba ba ba
Burl fake coughs, clears his throat and laughs all the time.

As far as health goes, everyone is finished with their antibiotics - I ended up taking Burl back to the dr on Friday and he too had a middl

e ear infection. Everyone seems to be better - but I just noticed that one of Burl's eyes is all pink... boo hoo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi mamacita!!! I am at work and looking fo rthe first time in a vcery long time at your wonderful blog. Your boys are just beautiful, pusey eyes and all. Reading your blog makes me realize how much I miss you. I love to read your words because I can actually hear you saying them. As for me, I am happy and relatively healthy in Lima. I´ve been here for 2 months now and gettin gthe hang of things. In some ways it reminds me of taiwan. Working alot and getting adjusted to the new culture. I can't wait to see you next summer at the wedding. I will send mor news when I´m on my own clock.