Last night, Burl fell asleep at his customary 8pm. He woke up at 10pm, squirming, flopping and in a general state of sleepy discomfort. Yes, he has a touch of a cold. Yes he's teething. But these things don't usually cause him such inconsolable distress or trump sleep.
The resolution came around 2am with an explosive poop that prominently featured one of his name-tag stickers, intact - probably reusable.
After new diaper, Burl slept til 7am.
Ryan and I reminisced about the time Ivo ate/passed a sticker. Good times. The difference then was 2-fold; 1) it didn't upset Ivo and 2) I took pictures. Not so with Burl. While, I was in equal measures charmed and chagrined by Burl's little sticker, it never entered my mind to run and get the camera. Another instance where the gap b/w #1 and #2, is real (though silly) and how unsettling it is to imagine the lengths a not-gonna-happen #3 would need to go to, to really wow us... sigh.
These pics are from Thursday, 22 Nov - Thanksgiving in the US - wow! The boys and I were at the playground 3x that day - after dinner with Ryan. Ivo's really loving playing baseball and he LOVES kids. Burl is loving being a kid! He can crawl up the steps on the jungle gym and go down the blue slide when I count "1, 2, 3..." Hilarious and so much fun!
Quinoa: A Sacred. Super Crop - with recipes
Sleep and Losing the Baby Weight - a little more about sleep and obesity, cuz I LOVE sleep!
The Extreme Male Brain Theory: An interview with Simon Baron Cohen, Sacha's cousin - so much genius in one family...
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