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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Burl Reaching

Quiet mostly stay at home Sunday with the boys.
Burl is really really chatty. He reaches as a request to be given something. He waves hi. He shakes his head for "no" and really means it. He has a lot of b-sounds for stuff like balls, books and baba/papa. He loves to cuddle and rest his head on our chests. He high-fives, pat-a-cakes, walks with step-up onto the tatamis. This morning he woke up b4 us (as usual) and pointed to the tv demanding it be turned on!

Ivo's a sicky... kinda the same as he was in December... but not as bad.

"Dear Grammie Gail,
I am 3 years old. Got new tractor."
-Ivo picked up a christmas card and "read."

Also Ivo says, "I want my papa" whenever I say anything directive like "lay down," "stop pushing Burl," or anything he doesn't like.

His fever's coming back up and he's saying "Papa... I want him wight now."
Gail's about 36 hours from here!!!!!

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