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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Excellent Weekend

Yesterday, we took 2 computers for repair and my camera. The laptop "N" key is fixed - embarrassingly simple to pop back on - but I wasn't able to do it even after desperate attempts. The desktop is undergoing 5000nt worth of swapping out parts and should be ok for our purposes, limping to July. The camera, no service plan - I have to call the company and get them to come pick up the camera - I don't see why they'll want to pick up a 4-1/2 year, warranty-expired camera... and who are they, anyway?

After our errands, we ate at Chili's. Ivo had a wonderful time, drinking a milkshake with chocolate sprinkles and eating french fries. BURL SLEPT! Ryan and I got to eat, while sitting down, until the natural end of the meal - it was awesome! Afterwards, Ivo and Ryan took a spin on the merry-go-round. Burl woke up and watched. He ate a couple french fries in the car on the way home.

It rained late afternoon and all night - very soothing, clean, not too hot - but you don't need a jacket, I didn't even have long sleeves yesterday.


Pics/movie of Burl from Ryan's camera... and a little about Little B. He is 100% interactive. He points at stuff, like the light from the child monitor - he searches and finds where it's shining, points and says "oooh." He has a sound, "Deh" (sounds like the ea feather) - it seems to mean "this" - which is a handy word and gets A LOT of play. Burl says a loud "DA" for Ryan and Ivo and yes and go and book. He says "hi" and has said hi for a couple months. He shakes his head and waves his hand(s), when I ask him if he wants booby or wants a cracker... unless he wants, at which time he'll tilt his head down, as if to rest on me (even if I'm not holding him) for "yes."

When he does something he thinks is funny or new, he claps for himself and/or makes a squished up funny face with the sound "eh." He says "ummm"for when he wants something or wants to know whats going on. He has been able to climb all the way up the step for over a month.

Burl loves to be in the kitchen and loves to sweep. We're thinking avout changing his name to "Get Out of the Kitchen" but not sure...

On Friday, Burl wore the tellytubby shirt for the first time. He didn't react until the next day, when he woke up and I put tubbies on tv. When he saw them on the tv, he looked and pointed at his shirt and said, "deh!" Hilarious. I remember when Ivo first wore the tubbies shirt, handed down by his cousins, Ally and Mikey:) Ivo knew immediately what they were and was EXCITED. I think he was older, closer to 1-1/2. Here is a little Ivo-Tubby action.

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