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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Boys in Cupboards

At hospital WAITING room. Man, there was an unexpected amount of waiting, but all's well. Heather and I thought we were geniuses to schedule our gyno appts at the same time. Maybe we were... maybe we were.

The boys played nicely and mostly cooperated with the mama who was with them.

Maya was AN ANGEL - not because she could fly around or grant wishes but her sweet little disposition and go-with-the-flow-attitude is certainly enuf to garner acolytes, and from there, who knows???

During the last little bit of my watch during the last little while of the whole adventure, Burl went one way and Dylan the other. I put Maya on her blanket on the floor and asked Ivo to watch her while I coralled the errant wanderers and tied them into strollers. Ivo babysat!!! Earlier, Ivo had tried to get Maya to accept his favorite blue marker as a toy.

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