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Friday, April 18, 2008

Ivo and Burl Convalescing

Both Ivo and Burl went back to the doctor today. We needed to get the next batch of medicine for Ivo - in Taiwan, drs are only allowed to give 3 days worth of medicine. This rule isn't totally inflexible - but since it's easy and cheap (100nt/3.32CAD for Burl and 150nt for Ivo - which includes exam, treatments and any meds they are prescribed) - it seems like a good idea to have a kid reevaluated during treatment.

So, Ivo's lungs aren't clear yet and his ears are red but the dr says, not infected. Today will be Ivo's 4th day of the 5 day zithromax regimen.

Burl has an ear infection AGAIN - or maybe still. His antibiotic is Zinnat - but I wonder if he shouldn't be on zithromax... If Burl can't kick this infection this week... I'm gonna have to go to med school - or at least go to google-med-school. I'm a little nervous that if I suggest something the dr will go along with me - and I don't... I'm not qualified... I don't know enuf about antibiotics. But he's had ear infections since the end of March.

So, the boys may be all infected, but pneumonia ain't gonna get you out of yr chores...

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