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Monday, May 26, 2008

Ivo Writes!

Over the past couple months, Ivo has been sooo interested in drawing- not just coloring. His early stuff was colorful, sprawling, and abstract. He drew things like black holes, rivers and oceans. Slowly these gave way to balloons, worms and roads.

Over the past 2 weeks, he has started to write. He scribbles and narrates letters to Grammie Gail. And then, all by himself - all of a sudden, he started writing real recognizable "I"'s! And now he can write his name I-O-V. Neato! Self-taught. We bought him this book yesterday - it's a dry-erase letter tracing book. In addition to his name, Ivo says this is drawing of "...a worm - he have legs like a centipede - but he a worm. In a big oval."


From around 19 May, several "I"'s and his letter to Grammie Gail.

At the Art Museum, a robot.

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