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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ivo & Burl: Indian Summer Snot Festival!!!

Oh - it's festive!!!

The weather has turned warm and sunny - giant cloudless skies - warm, like 24C. Cold and frosty at night. We wake up thinking and feeling like it's irredeemably cold - no matter what the (unnervingly accurate) weather forecast predicts. Plus both Ivo and Burl have either allergies or colds - Gail and I are thinking allergies, but it's anyone's guess. Hay, goldenrod and then mold in wet hay are the allergens people in the know have suggested... Neither Ivo nor Burl has run into any of that stuff - and no one else around here is snotty, drippy, sneezy, coughy.

Maybe I should change the name to Fall Phlegm Festival...

So, I've been dabbling a little more over on facebk with videos but I'll probably post them here too. Ivo is in such a sweet, charming clever phase - it's wonderful to be around him. He says things like, I a big boy, I don't need help doing anything. He narrates almost everything he does. Today he saw an ad for bread that featured a cartoon slice of bread with a red cape and face flying around. He was taken aback and asked, "...but why...why he only a bread and he have superpowers like me?"

I have been remiss in posting about Ivo's recent love of rhymes. It's been percolating for a month or two and just exploded this past couple weeks. He used to say that words which rhymed "are the same like." So he'd say "Cat is the same word like bat." When we were in Cleveland he walked into the Trivial Pursuit room and announced, "Viper, viper the same word like diaper." If I hadn't already known, that statement would have clued me in, the kid's a genius. So he now knows the word "rhyme" and often asks for words that rhyme with a word he's chewing on. This week the words he's wanting to match up are a little... tricky; elephant and other 3-syllable words. I'm starting to talk to him about syllables and beats in words. Anyway, he is now able to rhyme words all by himself and recognize when things kinda sound alike but don't really rhyme. The other day Ivo said, "I know what rhyme with Burl." What? "Girl! Girl rhyme with Burl!"

So today a contemplative Ivo came up to me and said, "Crying is like laughung - but they don't rhyme."

Just a touch more Ivo Overheard;

  • "I like saving the day."

  • "Flying is my favorite superpower. And punching."

  • "Oh - III get it!" in a really exaggerated way, almost droll

Burl is soldiering on into the land of controlled verbage. ("Verbage" seems to be the new catchword during the ridiculous presidential campaign down stateside, as they say around here. If I have to see that greasy, overly made-up fake-face Palin saying "verbage" one more time... well, I just won't vote for her - umm, yea...) Back to Burly- he still loves playing and hearing "Ring around the Rosie" but I reckon his current favorite song is "Row Row Row Yr Boat." Burl purses his lips into a cute little oval and says "ro, ro, ro" when he wants to hear it. He's tremendously pleased when the message is understood. Burl bends at the waste and laughs when he thinks something is funny - quite propbably in imitation of Ivo when Ivo senses something hilariously over the top. Burl's awesome.

3 links:
  • Our friend Rob in Oz put this up on fcbk. It's a poll by the PBS show NOW asking whether you think Palin is qualified to be vice-president of the USA. According to Rob, "Voting started at about 66% No, 30% Yes. It's now more like 55-45 "Yes"! The right wing has an email campaign going to turn the results around." When I voted, it was 49-49 - so go vote here if you have 3 seconds.

  • This next thing is from a blog called newyorkshitty - thru NYMag. If you like vaginas, you'll probably love this as much as I do:) The title keeps cracking me up!

  • and one really good, kinda long article on the badnews shadow banking horror show.

Pics from today- Ivo took the one of me. I have super cute pics from yesterday to post...

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